Mumbai (Maharashtra): Amidst Russia's ongoing military operation in Ukraine, equity indices opened in green on Friday with the Sensex up by 791.81 points and Nifty up by 267.70 points. The 30-scrip BSE Sensex was up by 791.81 points or 1.45 per cent at 55321.72 at 9.15 am. Similarly, 50-scrip NSE Nifty was trading at 16515.70 at 9.15 am, up by 267.70 points or 1.65 per cent.
On the Sensex, the sectors trading on a positive bias were consumer durables and consumer discretionary goods and services among others. On Thursday, key indices crashed by nearly five per cent, erasing over Rs 13 lakh crore of investors' wealth in a day. The Indian stock market's benchmark Sensex crashed 2,702 points or 4.72 per cent.