New Delhi: Markets regulator SEBI on Monday asked credit rating agencies not to consider as default any delay in payment of interest or principal loan amount arisen solely due to the nationwide lockdown conditions.
The move follows a three-month moratorium on payment permitted by the Reserve Bank of India to mitigate the burden of debt servicing due to disruptions caused by the coronavirus pandemic and to ensure continuity of viable businesses.
In a circular, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) said a differentiation in treatment of default, on a case to case basis, needs to be made as to whether such default occurred solely due to the lockdown or loan moratorium.
"Based on its assessment, if the credit rating agency (CRA) is of the view that the delay in payment of interest or principal has arisen solely due to the lockdown conditions creating temporary operational challenges in servicing debt, including due to procedural delays in approval of moratorium on loans by the lending institutions, CRA may not consider the same as a default event," SEBI said.
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This will also be applicable on any rescheduling in payment of debt obligation done by the issuer, prior to the due date, with the approval of investors or lenders, it added.