New Delhi: Aviation regulator DGCA on Friday asked all the airlines to send text messages after every 30 minutes to passengers whose flight has been delayed, cancelled or whose boarding gates have changed.
The DGCA's direction comes after passengers complained about social media that the airlines do not inform them on time about flight's delay, cancellation or boarding gate change.
In a communique sent to all the airlines on Friday, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) stated, "The airlines should make all efforts to send SMS in case there is a delay in flight beyond 30 minutes or a boarding gate change has taken place at the airport." The regulator has asked the travel agents to share the mobile number of passengers with the airlines for ease in sending flight information updates.
DGCA chief Arun Kumar on Thursday held a meeting with the "appellate authority and nodal officers of all scheduled domestic airlines" to discuss matters related to passengers grievance redressal.
The communique further said, "Airlines must send repeated SMS after every 30 minutes to keep the passengers updated for the flight delay/cancellation/ boarding gate change."