New Delhi: Cyber security watchdog CERT-In has alerted people about fake UPI IDs similar to that of PM-CARES Fund and appealed to all to check the authenticity of the original ID before donating.
The IDs have been created on UPI handle of Indian banks including PNB, HDFC Bank, SBI, ICICI Bank, Yes Bank, to mislead people.
"CERT-In has received several reports about fake UPI IDs, which are similar to the UPI ID used by the 'Prime Minister's Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations (PM-CARES) Fund," the cyber watchdog said.
CERT-In said that pmcares@pnb, pmcares@hdfcbank, pmcare@yesbank, pmcare@ybl, pmcare@upi, pmcare@sbi and pmcare@icici are fake ids.