New York: Bitcoin’s price surged again Monday after speculation that Amazon may be entering the cryptocurrency sector after it posted a job seeking a “digital currency and blockchain product lead.” Bitcoin jumped more than 14% in the past 24 hours, nearly reaching $40,000 per unit before settling closer to $37,000. The five-week intra-day high reached Monday comes after a long slide where it dipped under $30,000 from an April high of nearly $65,000.
There is also speculation that the price surge may have also been a result of traders buying up bitcoin to fill positions they were short on, having bet its value would fall further. But it’s difficult if not impossible to track short positions on the cryptocurrency. Amazon’s job listing says the company is looking for “an experienced product leader to develop Amazon’s Digital Currency and Blockchain strategy and product roadmap.”
The Seattle-based online retail giant currently has 74 listings for jobs whose descriptions include the words “blockchain,” the backbone of cryptocurrencies, many dating back to earlier this year. However, the jobs are not necessarily related to blockchain development, but list blockchain background as relevant experience for those applying for the job. In a statement, Amazon rejected as “fabricated” a report that said it would be accepting payments in cryptocurrency by the end of the year, and that it could launch its own digital coin in 2022.