Mumbai: Bajaj Auto on Saturday said it has commenced bookings for its electric scooter Chetak in Nagpur from July 16. With the aim of providing a seamless and convenient booking experience, customers can book the vehicle exclusively online on for Rs 2,000, the company said in a statement. Earlier, the booking slots available for Pune and Bengaluru were fully subscribed to, in less than 48 hours and the same is anticipated in Nagpur as well, it said.
Bajaj opens bookings for Chetak electric scooter in Nagpur
Bajaj Auto has commenced bookings for its electric scooter Chetak in Nagpur from July 16. Earlier, the booking slots available for Pune and Bengaluru were fully subscribed in less than 48 hours.
“After the overwhelming response we received in Bengaluru and Pune, we are delighted to bring Chetak to Nagpur, which will be soon followed by other cities,” Rakesh Sharma, Executive Director, Bajaj Auto said. The company is anticipating a great response from customers in Nagpur, he said, adding the first shipment of Chetak against bookings will begin by the end of July.
The Chetak EV is available in two variants -- Premium and Urbane -- and the scooter will be available at select Chetak dealerships in Nagpur at an ex-showroom price starting at Rs 1,42,998, the company said. (PTI)