Chennai:After launching hand sanitisers to fight coronavirus, fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) companies are hitting the market with other products like disinfectants for fruits and vegetables, personal gadgets and various surfaces.
While Marico Ltd has come out with a product that removes germs, bacteria, chemicals, waxes and soil present on the surface of fruits and vegetables, city-based CavinKare announced the launch of surface spray cleansers for personal gadgets (phones, laptops and others) and surfaces that are touched by humans.
According to Marico, while hand, body, home and kitchen hygiene is in practice and consumption habits are also evolving in tandem with the current situation, ensuring complete sanitation of fresh produce is still limited to only rinsing them with water.
The company said fruits and vegetables barring mushrooms can be cleaned by soaking and hand rub the fresh produce in a solution made of one capful of its solution Veggie Clean and two litres of water followed by rinsing the products in running water twice or thrice for 30 seconds.
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