New Delhi: Air India Express on Friday said it has advised the handling agents to implement a three-tier checking mechanism to avoid any lapses, after a COVID-19 positive passenger was found on a flight to Dubai leading to the suspension of operations till October 2.
In a notice issued by Dubai Civil Aviation Authority, the operation was suspended for 15 days, after a COVID-19 positive passenger was found onboard a Jaipur-Dubai flight.
The airline also said that a notice has been issued on "account of erroneous acceptance of one COVID-19 positive passenger by the Airline's ground handling agents at Delhi and Jaipur on Air India Express flights to Dubai on August 28 and September 4" and appropriate punitive action has been taken against those who were held accountable for the serious lapse at Delhi and Jaipur.
"As an abundant precaution, the airline has advised the handling agents to implement a three-tier checking mechanism to avoid any such lapse in the future," Air India Express said through a tweet.
"Based on the airline's communication to them, the concerned ground handling agencies have taken appropriate punitive action against their employees who have been held accountable for the lapse at Delhi and Jaipur," it added.