New Delhi: About 30 per cent of Indian retailers may be out of business in six months time if the government does not provide them support amidst the nation-wide lockdown, Retailers Association of India (RAI) CEO Kumar Rajagopalan said.
Rajagoplan also noted that the business has been severely subdued since February, with 50-60 per cent of normal trade last month and nearly no trade in March.
"Outlook looks quite grim, I think if it continues, for example till April 15-20, I think most of the retailers would already be in very deep trouble," he said.
Rajagopalan said that retailers are accustomed to be paid every day and that is how they pay their expenses. Rent costs about 8 per cent of their earnigs and salaries cost about 7-8 per cent of their earnings.
They also have to pay he suppliers and payments are still pending but there is no income, he said.
"As many as 85 per cent of their expenses are fixed expenses. Unless the government intervenes, I thing the 30 per cent of retailers are going to be out of the market in the next 6 months time," the RAI CEO said.
Saying that the industry body has written to the government seeking an stimulus package, Rajagopalan told IANS that for retail businesses to sustain, the government needs to take up steps such as subsidising rents and paying wages for the employees.
The retail industry in the country employs around 60 lakh people and according to Rajagopalan, most of them right now are in jeopardy.