Chandigarh: Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Monday allocated portfolios to his cabinet members, keeping the Home Department with himself while giving Finance to Harpal Singh Cheema. Ten ministers were inducted into the Mann-led cabinet on Saturday. Mann retained Departments of Home, Vigilance and Personnel, according to party sources.
Two-time MLA from Dirba Harpal Singh Cheema has been given the Finance and Revenue Departments while Gurmeet Singh Meet Hayer, MLA from Barnala, has been allocated the Education portfolio. Dr Baljit Kaur, the lone woman minister in the Mann-led cabinet, has been given Women Welfare, Child Development and Social Security portfolio while Dr Vijay Singla is the new health minister. Harbhajan Singh has been allocated the Power Department while Lal Chand has been given the charge of the Food and Civil Supplies Department. Kuldip Singh Dhaliwal will be the state's Rural Development and Panchayat minister and Laljit Singh Bhullar has been allocated the Transport Department.