Thiruvananthapuram: The Kerala coast has been put on high alert following intelligence reports that boats allegedly carrying 15 Islamic State Terrorists had set off from Sri Lanka to the Lakshadweep islands, police said on Saturday.
According to highly places sources in the police department, the coastal police stations and coastal district police chiefs have been alerted.
"Such alerts are usual practice but this time we have a specific information about the number. We have alerted the coastal police stations and the police chiefs of coastal districts to be on alert in case of any sighting of suspicious vessels," a top police source told the media.
The coastal police department said it was on alert since May 23, the day alert came from Sri Lanka.
"We were on alert since the Sri Lankan attack took place. We have also alerted the fishing vessels and others venturing into the sea to be cautious of suspicious activities," coastal department sources confirmed to the media.