Bengaluru:Special Investigation Team (SIT) probing the IMA jewels scam on Sunday said that S Mujahid, a nominated corporator, who was arrested in connection with alleged financial fraud case on Sunday, was sent to police custody by a court.
Girish, Head of SIT, who was probing the case said, that the team has seized a car, two phones and several documents pertaining to IMA from Mujahid's possession.
"We arrested S Mujahid, a nominated corporator from his residence in Fraser Town in Bengaluru, today and seized from his possession a car, two phones and several documents pertaining to IMA. He was produced before a court and sent to police custody," Girish said.
IMA has allegedly cheated a large number of investors, mainly Muslims, after promising them impressive return on their deposits.
IMA founder Mansoor Khan, who is on the run, released a video urging police to arrange his return to India so that he could join the probe.