Mumbai: In a new twist to the rape case allegedly involving actor Karan Oberoi, police have arrested the lawyer Ali Kaashif Khan of the complainant woman for 'staging' an attack on her last month.
According to a police official, the lawyer was arrested by Oshiwara police on Monday, days after the woman claimed that she was attacked by two motorcycle-borne men on May 25 when she was on a morning walk.
According to the complaint filed by the woman, two persons riding a motorcycle attacked her with a sharp object and threatened to throw acid on her face.
Before leaving the spot, the attackers had hurled a chit with the message "take the case back", the official said.
He said Khan's name cropped up when police were interrogating four persons who were arrested in connection with the attack.
At least one of the four persons was found to be related to Khan, he said.