Chennai:The Madras High Court, in an order on Tuesday, directed an earlier order to remove ‘harsh words’ used against actor Vijay. The initial order, issued by a single-judge bench on July 13, 2021, was given in a hearing related to the actor's appeal against the entry tax imposed on his Rolls Royce Ghost imported from England back in 2012. Previously, on July 26, 2021, a bench of Justices M. Duraiswamy and R. Hemalatha had put a stay on the single-judge bench order.
In the disputed order, Justice S.M. Subramaniam had criticised Vijay for challenging the levying of entry tax and imposed a fine of Rs 1 lakh on him after the latter moved the HC, saying “extraordinary entry tax has been imposed” on his Rolls Royce. Subramaniam had further said that the actor, considering his reputation, was "expected to pay the tax promptly and punctually".