New Delhi:The Delhi High Court on Thursday asked Special Investigation Team (SIT) to file a status report on a petition filed by Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Manjinder Singh Sirsa seeking action against Kamalnath in a matter related to 1984 riots.
Justice Subramonium Prasad has asked SIT to file a status report and listed the matter for further hearing on March 28, 2022. The court was hearing a petition filed by BJP leader Manjinder Singh Sirsa in the matter of FIR No 601/1984 Parliament Street Police station against Kamalnath.
Sirsa was represented by Senior Advocate Maninder Singh and Advocate Gurbaksh Singh. In a statement, Sirsa said that he had filed a petition in Delhi High Court in the matter of FIR No 601/1984 Parliament Street Police station against Kamalnath in 1984 genocide and had sought directions to SIT to take action against Kamalnath in the FIR and demanded that he should be arrested without further delay.