Nagpur: Yuva Sena workers on Saturday removed a huge banner of Shiv Sena rebel Eknath Shinde in Nagpur city. The Yuva Sena activists tore down the banner of Shinde which was put up in Gandhi Putla square in the Mahal area. Yuva Sena Nagpur district president Vikram Rathod asked Shinde's supporters to not put up any banners of him in the city.
Yuva Sena workers remove Eknath Shinde's banner in Nagpur city
Yuva Sena Nagpur district president Vikram Rathod asked Shinde's supporters to not put up any banners of him in the city.
Yuva Sena workers remove Eknath Shinde's banner in Nagpur city
Senior Maharashtra minister Shinde and the bulk of Sena MLAs have rebelled against Uddhav Thackeray and are camping in Guwahati. They have demanded that Shiv Sena walk out of the "unnatural" Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) alliance. (PTI)
Also read:The rise of Eknath Shinde, the man behind the Maharashtra political crisis