Hyderabad:Taking a sharp dig atTelangana Chief Minister KCR, the YSRTP chief YS Sharmila displayed a shoe box in her hands while asking the CM to join Padayatra with her and know the public problems. "Today I challenge Telangana CM KCR to walk with me in Padyatra. We present a shoe box to him," YSRTP Chief YS Sharmila said on Thursday while speaking to the media here.
She further said that she will retire from politics if she finds there are no problems in the state during her Yatra. "If there are no problems in the state, then I'll retire from politics but if this is not true, KCR has to resign and apologise to people of the state," she said.
Earlier, Sharmila had sat on an indefinite fast after being denied the permission by the police to hold a padayatra. On December 11, 2022 she was was admitted with low blood pressure, weakness and giddiness. She was also found to have severe oliguria, high anion gap metabolic acidosis and pre-renal azotemia, along with dehydration and orthostatic hypotension.