Agra: Two drunk youth fell into a deep drain in Meena Bazar located in the Shahganj police station area late Monday night. On being informed, the mobile unit of Shahganj police station reached the spot. According to sources, the mobile unit constables Ravi Kumar and Deep Maurya risked their lives to save the youths.
Agra: Two drunk youth fall in drain, rescued by cops
The youths have been identified as Vishal and Ajay and both of them are said to be residents of Barfkhana in Lohamandi.
Youths rescued from drain by two soldiers in Agra
The youths have been identified as Vishal and Ajay and both of them are said to be residents of Barfkhana in Lohamandi. Reportedly, both of them were taken to the hospital and were handed over to their respective families.
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