Vikarabad (Telangana):In a gruesome incident, a youth kidnapped a boy and killed him when his plan failed to demand ransom from his parents. This murder took place at Kodangal in the Vikarabad district of Telangana. According to Vikarabad SP Koti Reddy, Ajay (19) from Ambedkar Colony in Vikarabad town used to roam around without doing any work. He wanted to kidnap ) from the nearby Mittiboli Colony with the intention of earning money without working. He pretended to be friends with the boy's parents and after a few days, he became close to the family. Later, when no one was there in the house, he took Raza Khan on a scooter to his home on October 30.
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After taking Raza to his home, Ajay shut the door and told the boy to keep mum and when he was about to call his parents, the boy grew suspicious about Ajay's intention and raised the alarm. Then Ajay got scared and hit the boy on the head with a hammer and as a result, Raza died on the spot. Ajay then put the body in a suitcase and dumped it in a nearby garbage dump at midnight.
Some colony residents, who saw Raza Khan going with Ajay on Sunday, informed the police. On Sunday night, the accused was detained by the police during the interrogation, he confessed to committing the murder for money. The police said that Ajay was also the accused in a case of theft of Rs 25 lakhs in Hyderabad earlier. The police found the body in the early hours of Monday and shifted it to Kodangal Government Hospital where the post-mortem was conducted. A pall of gloom descended on the house of the boy in Vijkarabad after the murder came to light.