New Delhi:Two youths have been arrested by North-East District Police for making explicit comments on social media with the intention of disrupting social harmony. In the viral video, the youth is asking people to remain prepared for '3rd May' as something big can happen in Delhi on that day.
One of the arrested accused is been identified as Nishant Thakur (25), a resident of the Brijpuri area, who is said to be a member of a social organization that uploaded the video. As the video went viral, an unknown person lodged a complaint at Seelampur Police station in North-East Delhi after which the arrest was made.
Nishant Thakur can be heard saying "Bro, we need to remain prepared, something big can happen on 'May 3rd' if we don't get weapons we can have acid bottles or Quarters of liquor for our safety, we don't want any riot, but if it happens we will not spare them"