New Delhi: The Delhi crime branch has arrested a miscreant who was absconding in connection with the riots on the occasion of Hanuman Jayanti in the Jahangirpuri area of North-West Delhi on April 16 this year. A Delhi CB spokesperson said that the accused identified as Sanwar Malik alias Akbar alias Kalia had pelted stones at the police team and the local people.
According to DCP Vichitra Veer, Kalia was arrested by Havildar Nitin and Naval from C-Block Jahangirpuri on Tuesday, August 2, following a tip-off by an informer. A case has been registered against him at Jahangirpuri police station. Police will present him before the court today. The arrested accused, who has studied til standard IV, works as a manual scavenger. Kalia is said to be a serial offender first arrested in 2016 in a theft case.