Varanasi: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath's helicopter had to make an emergency landing here after it hit a bird on Sunday, officials said. A bird hit the CM's helicopter after it took off from police lines here (Varanasi) for Lucknow, after which it had to land here, District Magistrate Kaushalraj Sharma said.
Yogi's helicopter makes emergency landing after bird hit
The CM returned to the circuit house after the incident and later reached airport and left for Lucknow from a state plane.
Yogi's helicopter makes emergency landing after bird hit
The CM returned to the circuit house after the incident and later reached airport and left for Lucknow from a state plane, he said. The CM had come to Varanasi on Saturday and had paid obeisance at Kashi Vishwanath temple, besides holding a review meeting. (PTI)
Last Updated : Jun 26, 2022, 12:51 PM IST