Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, on Monday, ordered the suspension of sub divisional magistrate (SDM) Gyanendra Vikram Singh, who allegedly beat up a 'naib nazir' (a tehsil official) so brutally that the latter died during treatment on Saturday night. The chief minister ordered the suspension of the SDM after the post-mortem report of the tehsil official Sunil Sharma confirmed death due to the beating. Sharma had nine severe injury marks on his body.
A magisterial inquiry had also been ordered into the incident. According to reports, the victim Sunil Kumar Sharma, 55, posted in Lalganj tehsil, had accused the SDM of beating him on a trivial pretext. The incident took place on Wednesday night and Sharma was admitted on Thursday after he made a futile attempt to lodge a case against the SDM.