Varanasi:Ahead of Yogi Adityanath's swearing-in ceremony, the signature 'kundal', the saffron robe worn by the Utar Pradesh chief minister-designate, has become a hit among the local youth in Varanasi.
The UP Chief Minister's fans by wearing the 'Yogi kundals' are celebrating Adityanath's re-election in the recently concluded state assembly polls creating a buzz in the temple city. Adityanath is set to be sworn in on Friday. But the Yogi kundals are already in demand in the local markets.
Seeing the enthusiasm of the youth, the shopkeepers have also decorated their shops to attract more customers. A crowd of youths is gathering at Pearson Point in Sigra area of Varanasi. Along with the robes, the youth are also getting their ears pierced with rings as worn by Adityanath.