Lucknow(Uttar Pradesh):With an eye on the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, the Uttar Pradesh government led by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, on Thursday tabled a budget of Rs 6,15,518.97 crore for the financial year 2022-23. This is almost double the size of Rs 3,46,935 crore budget presented by Akhilesh Yadav government for the financial year 2016-17. It includes new schemes worth Rs 39,181.10 crore.
The state government has also announced budgetary provision worth crores of rupees to strengthen the police and maintain law and order in the state. Tabling the budget in the Assembly, state Finance Minister Suresh Khanna said that the government has not only made a record payment of Rs 1,72,745 crore to sugarcane farmers until May 16, 2022, which is Rs 77,530 crore more than the five years of accumulated payment of Rs 95,215 crore during Akhilesh Yadav's government.
It has also proposed Rs 1000 crore for payment to the remaining sugarcane farmers. The budget proposes free irrigation facility to farmers through 34,307 government tube-wells and 252 minor branch canals as well as Rs 1000 crore under Mukhya Mantri Laghu Sinchai Yojana to address irrigation related issues of the state. Furthermore, the budget proposes accidental insurance of Rs 650 crore for farmers under Mukhya Mantri Krishak Durghatana Kalyan Yojana.