Lucknow: When Yogi Adityanath takes oath as the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh for the second consecutive term on Friday, he will create history, break the jinx and belie myths. He is scheduled to take oath for the second term, along with around 50 ministers at Lucknow's Ekana Stadium at 4 pm. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah, Chief Ministers of BJP-ruled states and senior BJP leaders are expected to attend the oath-taking ceremony. Around 85 thousand people will be attending the grand ceremony.
He has created a history by becoming the first Chief Minister in 37 years to return to power with an overwhelming majority. By the time he completes his second term, he will become the longest-serving Chief Minister of the country's most populous state. Yogi Adityanath's return to power has also broken the infamous Noida jinx that kept Chief Ministers away from the district.
This 'Noida jinx' came to the fore after the then Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Vir Bahadur Singh was forced to resign in 1988, only a few days after he visited Noida. Vir Bahadur Singh's successor Narain Dutt Tiwari lost power in the 1989 Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections. He also visited Noida as the Chief Minister. The two Noida-jinxed losses weighed heavily on the minds of the Chief Ministers subsequently and they all favoured skipping Noida visits.
Mulayam Singh Yadav, Kalyan Singh and Rajnath Singh stayed away from Noida as Chief Ministers of Uttar Pradesh. Mulayam Singh Yadav was the first Chief Minister following the ouster of Vir Bahadur Singh and Narain Dutt Tiwari after Noida visits in the 1980s to bypass Noida. That was Mulayam Singh Yadav's first term as Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister from 1989 to 1991. Rajnath Singh, too, inaugurated Delhi-Noida-Delhi (DND) flyover as Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister from Delhi, not Noida in 2001. Similarly, Akhilesh Yadav skipped the Asian Development Bank (ADB) summit that had then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh as the chief guest in Noida in 2013.
Earlier in 2012, Akhilesh Yadav inaugurated the Yamuna Expressway from Lucknow even though the 165-km highway runs from Greater Noida to Agra, about 350-km from Lucknow. Akhilesh Yadav had become Chief Minister after Mayawati lost power in 2012. She had incidentally visited Noida as Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister in 2011 to inaugurate the Dalit Smarak Sthal, ignoring the Noida jinx.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, however, visited Noida to inaugurate Delhi Metro's Magenta Line on December 25, 2017. Modi had then scoffed at the Noida jinx saying, "Yogi Adityanath deserves adulation for dismissing superstition that a Chief Minister should not visit Noida." The BJP led by Modi won the 2019 Lok Sabha polls. Yogi Adityanath, too kept, visiting Noida even during the election campaign. In November 2021, Yogi Adityanath told a public gathering during the inauguration of the Jewar airport, "My predecessors used to shy away from visiting this district as their own life and position of power were more important to them."
Adityanath's journey from a monk to politician:
Adityanath was born in a Rajput family as Ajay Singh Bisht to Anand Singh Bisht and Savitri Devi on 5 June 1972 in Panchur village of Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand and became Yogi Adityanath after reaching Gorakhpur. He passed the 12th examination from Bharat Mandir Inter College, Rishikesh in 1989 and completed his B Sc in Mathematics from Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University in 1992. Bisht had joined the Ram Mandir movement in his student life itself. It was during the Ram temple movement in the 90s that he met Mahant Avaidyanath of Gorakhnath temple.
On Avaidyanath's direction, Bisht reached Gorakhpur without informing his parents and decided to become a monk. Here Mahant Avaidyanath rechristened Bisht as Yogi Adityanath. Four years after making him the successor to the throne of the Mahant of Gorakhnath temple, Mahant Avaidyanath also made Yogi Adityanath his political successor.