Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday said that the four-and-half years of his government in state was a "memorable" tenure that was devoted to good governance. Addressing a press conference here on the occasion, Adityanath said that his government had struck at the root of the mafia and paved the way for a safer and secure state.
"We put the criminals in jail, confiscated their properties and not a single communal riot took place in Uttar Pradesh in the past four and a half years. Our priority was security for women an we set up the Anti-Romeo squad, pink booths for women and launched the third phase of Mission Shakti to empower women on all fronts," he said. The Chief Minister said that while previous governments built houses for themselves, his government built houses for the poor.
"We have a sense of stability to the state administration unlike previous government that had turned transfers into an industry. We encouraged officers to work better and be more responsive toward the public." He said that his government gave jobs to 4.5 lakh youths and set up a transparent system for this, adding that the state rose in ranks on the ease of doing business platform and investments started coming in.
Further listing the achievements of his government, the Chief Minister said that the state hosted the Kumbh Mela, Deepotsav in Ayodhya, Rangotsav in Mathura, Investors' Summit and the Chauri Chaura Utsav and won accolades for the impeccable arrangements. Referring to the Ram temple, he said that was fortunate that the construction of the temple began during his tenure.