Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath on Monday said that a 'battle of 80% vs 20%' has surfaced in the state ahead of the upcoming assembly elections 2022. He said he has a reason for asking the Brahmins in the state to vote for his party while the opposition SP and BSP were wooing various castes to defeat the party.
"The contest has moved much ahead, the fight is now 80 versus 20," he said while subtly hinting at the 19% Muslim population in the state. He further added that 80% have always been positive and development-oriented, while the remaining 20% have always been opposing and complaining over things."
He was speaking at a media conclave when he gave this controversial statement. When asked if his statement was hinted at the Hindu-Muslim religion statistics in Uttar Pradesh, he said that 80% of the voters who favour nationalism, good governance, and development would vote for his party, while those who are against nationalism, development, and farmers, and in support of mafia and goons will choose a different path.