New Delhi: A Delhi court on Friday granted interim bail to wrestler and two-time Olympic medallist Sushil Kumar who was arrested in connection with the case of murder of a former junior national wrestling champion, Sagar Dhankar. Sushil Kumar's counsel Pradeep Rana told IANS that his client has got interim bail to look after his ailing wife. "Savi -- his wife, is ill. He wanted to meet her during this crucial time. The court heard the matter and allowed the interim bail," Rana said.
"Mrs. Savi will undergo surgery on Monday. He has been allowed to meet his wife till November 12," he added. The plea was "purely on medical and humanitarian grounds". The plea read that his wife was suffering from severe lower back pain for long. The plea further read that her lower back pain started affecting the lower limbs as well and she was unable to walk properly without support.
She slipped in the washroom and suffered a jerk in her spine. She has to undergo surgery on November 7 at Acharya Shree Bhikshu Government Hospital. The Delhi Police, however, had opposed the bail application saying that the offense was heinous in nature and associated with a murder case. The police argued said Savi was residing with her parents and there are other members of her family to look after her.