New Delhi:Olympic medalist Sushil Kumar, who is the prime accused in the murder of wrestler Sagar Dhankar and is presently being interrogated by the Delhi Police, has claimed during his questioning that he is innocent and was misguided by some people who suggested that he should hide after the brawl at Chhatarsal Stadium, said officers in Delhi Polices's Crime Branch on Thursday.
"During police interrogation, Sushil Kumar claimed that he is innocent and he was misguided by some people around him who had advised him to hide. The wrestler said, 'why will I commit murder. I can never think of committing murder. I don't support gangsters'," the officers said.
Read:Chhatrasal Stadium murder case: Wrestler Sushil Kumar suspended by Railways
They also informed that Crime Branch is taking the help of a psychologist to unearth the conspiracy in the Sagar Dhankar murder case.
"Sushil is smart and he is mentally strong enough to manipulate the answers. This is why police need to take the help of a psychologist," they added.