New Delhi: Wholesale price-based inflation rose to a record high of 15.88 per cent in May on rising prices of food items and crude oil. The Wholesale Price Index-based inflation was 15.08 per cent in April and 13.11 per cent in May last year.
"The high rate of inflation in May, 2022 is primarily due to rise in prices of mineral oils, crude petroleum & natural gas, food articles, basic metals, non-food articles, chemicals & chemical products and food products etc. as compared to the corresponding month of the previous year," the commerce and industry ministry said in a statement.
The WPI inflation has remained in double digit for the 14th consecutive month since April last year and has been in the upper trajectory for three straight months. Inflation in food articles in May was 12.34 per cent, as prices of vegetables, wheat, fruits and potato witnessed sharp spike over the year-ago period.