New Delhi: Vice President and Rajya Sabha Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu on Tuesday urged all members of the House to become flagbearers in the effort to conserve water resources and follow sustainable water resource management practices in both personal and public life. He made the appeal on the occasion of World Water Day on Tuesday.
"We must adopt sustainable water management practices both in personal and public life and sensitize one and all in inculcating water conservation techniques like rainwater harvesting, afforestation, adoption of water-efficient agriculture, preservation of wetlands, recharging of aquifers," said Naidu. He was addressing the House after it assembled at 11 am.
"This year, the United Nation's theme for 'World Water Day' is 'Groundwater, making the Invisible Visible' that focuses on groundwater, which exists as an invisible resource, however, has a profound impact visible everywhere," added Naidu. Pointing out that a significant portion of the water used for drinking, food production, sanitation and industrial activities comes from groundwater, the Chairman said that was equally important proper functioning of ecosystems.