New Delhi: Despite so many years of Independence, India still lags behind in women representation, Chief Justice of N V Ramana said on Saturday. The women representation should have been ideally 50 per cent by now, he said. CJI referring to his practice in High Court, expressed his dismay that there were no toilets for women and they are made to wait in long queues.
CJI Ramana was speaking at the felicitation ceremony organised by the Bar Council of India for him. Highlighting the issues faced by the judiciary, CJI said that there is a lack of infrastructure and a shortage of staff which should be addressed by forming a Judicial infrastructure corporation. He said that most of the infrastructure that we have was built by the British and additional buildings that have been constructed are not enough.
"I have prepared a report collecting details from every corner of the country which I will give to the law minister in a week," said CJI. Talking about vacancies, he praised the government for clearing nine names of judges for appointment in the Supreme Court in a swift manner and said that he expects the same speed in the case of High Courts as well so that 90% of vacancies can be filled.