Sangli (Maharashtra): In a heart-rending incident, a woman and her three daughters drowned in a lake in the Sangli district of Maharashtra on Sunday. The bodies of the mother, along with three little girls, were found in the lake at Bilur village. The deceased have been identified as Sunita Tukaram Mali (27), Amrita Tukaram Mali (age 13), Ankita Tukaram Mali (age 10) and Aishwarya Tukaram Mali (age 7).
The incident came to light at 1 am on Monday. According to police, Tukaram Chandrakant Mali lives near Sutar Phata, which is two-and-a-half kilometres from Bilur village. He has a farm near the house and Lingnoor lake is nearby. His wife Sunita and three daughters went missing on Sunday morning. Even after searching all day, none of them was found.