Namakkal (Tamil Nadu): A 30-year-old woman in Tamil Nadu's Namakkal killed her two minor sons by throwing them into a well and then died by suicide by hanging on Monday night. After learning about the incident, the deceased's father consumed sleeping pills and is currently hospitalised. The deceased woman has been identified as Gunavathy while her sons as five-year-old Priyan and two-year-old Sujithpriyan. The deceased's husband, named Gopi hails from Moganur New Street and runs a tea shop in the area.
The police said there was a family dispute on Monday night and the deceased's father, named Kesavan, allegedly scolded her. After Gopi left for work, the woman in a fit of rage, barged out of the house with her two sons. It was learnt that she straightaway headed towards a nearby well and threw her sons into it. She then went to the adjoining pump room and hanged herself to death. Unable to bear the shock after learning about his daughter and grandsons death, the deceased's father tried to commit suicide by consuming sleeping pills.