Thane: A 32-year-old woman allegedly killed her two minor children and then tried to die by suicide in Navi Mumbai township of Maharashtra's Thane district, police said on Monday. The incident took place in the Ghansoli area on Sunday and the reason behind it was yet to be ascertained, an official from Airoli police station said. The woman's husband was out for work when she allegedly slit the throats of her four-year-old daughter and one-year-old son at their home, he said.
Woman kills two children, attempts suicide in Navi Mumbai
The family was planning to go to their native place in Uttar Pradesh in a few days, the official said. The police have registered a case against the woman, who is still in the hospital, on the charge of murder and other relevant provisions, he said.
When her husband returned at around 4 pm, he found the two children dead and his wife lying with her wrist slit, the official said. The woman was admitted to a local hospital and the bodies were sent to a government hospital for post-mortem, he said. The family was planning to go to their native place in Uttar Pradesh in a few days, the official said. The police have registered a case against the woman, who is still in the hospital, on the charge of murder and other relevant provisions, he said. (PTI)
(If you are having suicidal thoughts, or are worried about a friend or need emotional support, someone is always there to listen. Call Sneha Foundation - 04424640050 (available 24x7) or iCall, the Tata Institute of Social Sciences' helpline - 9152987821, which is available Monday to Saturday from 8 am to 10 pm).