Pudukottai(Tamil Nadu): The Ilupur police arrested a woman for allegedly killing her mother-in-law over a minor scuffle that broke out because the tea served was not hot enough. As informed by the probing officials, the incident was reported from the Velu village in the Viralimalai town in Pudukottai district.
The accused identified as Ganaku, was married to an owner of a cycle repair shop and lived with her husband and his family in the Viralimalai area, the probing officials said. As informed by the sources, the accused suffered with some kind of mental illness and was on medications for the same. However, she had not taken her medicines for two days when she killed her mother-in-law in the fit of rage, as alleged by the sources.
Officials said that the victim, identified as Palaniammal, had a habit of getting her tea served hot by the daughter-in-law every morning. However, on Thursday morning, the tea served was not hot enough, which led to a verbal argument between the two women. The old woman scolded her daughter-in-law over the tea being cold, which infuriated the accused.