Amritsar (Punjab): A 44-year-old woman jumped from the third floor of Bohar Wale Shivale temple in Amritsar on Thursday. However, the reason for her extreme step is yet to be ascertained. The police reached the spot and the woman was admitted to the Civil Hospital. Vijay Nagar Chowki in-charge police officer Jagbir Singh said that he had received information that a 44-year-old woman had jumped from the temple building.
Woman jumps from third floor of temple in Amritsar
The woman, a resident of Gaukul Vihar, came to Bohar Wale Shivale temple with her daughter. She later jumped from the third floor of the temple. The woman has been admitted to the hospital. The police are enquiring about the reasons for the middle-aged woman taking such an extreme step.
Woman jumps from third floor of temple in Amritsar
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She is a resident of Gaukul Vihar and came to the temple with her daughter. Later, she jumped from the third floor of the temple. The woman has been admitted to the hospital in an unconscious state. Relatives and family members came to the hospital. The police are enquiring about the reasons for the middle-aged woman taking such an extreme step.
Last Updated : Aug 19, 2022, 2:32 PM IST