Mahad (Maharashtra):In a shocking incident, a woman pushed her six children into a well and she, too, jumped into it. Six children died while the woman, however, has been rescued. According to police, the woman was living with her husband and six children in Dhalkathi village in Mahad taluka of Maharashtra. The woman was fed up with her husband, as he used to harass her daily over petty issues in an inebriated condition. Unable to bear his torture, she resorted to the extreme step.
She pushed her five daughters and a son into the well first and then she, too, jumped into it at around 8 pm on Monday. The deceased have been identified as Roshni (10), Karishma (8), Reshma (6), Vidya (5), Shivraj (3), Radha Chikuri Sahani (one-and-a-half years). Locals, who witnessed the incident, immediately pulled her out of the well. Although the woman survived, six children died.