Nagarkurnool: In a shocking incident, a woman died while breastfeeding her baby girl in Nerellapalli, Thimmajipeta Mandal of Nagarkurnool district. According to the family members, Jayashree (25) was brought to a private hospital on Saturday in Mahabubnagar along with her 2-month-old daughter by her husband Prashant from Timmajipeta after she fell ill.
Woman dies of heart attack while breastfeeding in Telangana's Nagarkurnool
Jayashree was taken to a private hospital in Mahabubnagar by her husband where the doctors told her that she had a "minor" problem in her heart valve which would be fixed with medication. However, at around 5.30 am on Sunday morning, Jayashree had a massive heart attack when was breastfeeding her baby and died instantly, the family said
She was brought back to Nerellapalli after the doctors told her that she had a "minor" problem in her heart valve which would be fixed with medication. However, at around 5.30 am on Sunday morning, Jayashree had a massive heart attack when was breastfeeding her baby and died instantly, the family said.
After a while, her grandfather and grandmother called her for tea but she did not get up. The grandparents were shocked to see that Jayashree had passed away. Her parents and in-laws had gone to Tamil Nadu for pilgrimage when the incident took place.