Lakhimpur Kheri:A woman cook died in a fire incident triggered by a suspected gas leakage at Sahdeva Primary School located in Mohammadi block in Uttar Pradesh's Lakhimpur Kheri on Saturday. As per officials, the cook Anita Devi had come to the school to prepare food but the gas stove in the kitchen was not working properly. Devi called Akram, a 14-year-old student studying in the school to fix the stove. As the two cleaned the burner of the stove and lit a match stick, a fire was triggered due to a suspected gas leak engulfing Devi while Akram managed to escape, an official said.
Woman cook dies in fire incident at UP school
In the mishap, Devi suffered 90 per cent burns and was shifted to Shahjahanpur District Hospital for treatment, but died on the way.
Woman cook dies in fire incident at UP school
In the mishap, Devi suffered 90 per cent burns and was shifted to Shahjahanpur District Hospital for treatment, but she died on the way, Inspector Amber Singh said. It is being said that after the fire, the school staff ran away from the school due to fear. An enquiry has been ordered into the incident.
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