Gaya: A shocking incident has come to light in the Gaya district of Bihar on Saturday. While two children have been allegedly murdered, their mother was buried alive on the banks of the Morhar river in Sherghati police station area of the district.
Locals said that on Saturday morning villagers spotted the top of a woman's head peeping out of the sand near the river bank. Suspecting foul play, they raised an alarm and soon more people gathered at the spot and dug out the woman identified as Devanti Devi, a resident of Dumrao village of Banke Bazar police station area.
After regaining consciousness the woman started to look for her two children and said that she left home to go to her brother's residence on the occasion of rakhi at around 4 am on Friday. Devanti further alleged that on her way back an auto-rickshaw driver fraudulently convinced her to get on board with her children.