Purnia: The body of a woman, who was allegedly murdered by her husband, was recovered inside a closed room in the Purnea district of Bihar. According to police, the incident took place recently in the Prabhat Colony under Kehat Police Station limits in the district. Police said that the deceased, Kalyani Kumari, wife of Neeraj Kumar, a resident of Badhari in the Bikothi Police Station area. They also said that Kalyani used to work at a pathological laboratory adding that for the last one-and-a-half months she was living in a rented accommodation in the Prabhat Colony area while her husband stayed at another place.
Kalyani's roommate Anshu Kumari said that a few days ago when she came to the room she found that it was locked. When she opened the door, Anshu found Kalyani lying in a pool of blood on the floor. On receiving information about the incident, police personnel from the Kehat Police Station reached the spot.