New Delhi: In a shocking incident, a woman was allegedly attacked by a group of people, including women, who chopped off her hair, tore her clothes, blackened her face, and then paraded her in the Shahdara area. The woman was also allegedly sexually assaulted. The incident took place on Wednesday and the accused are said to be illicit liquor sellers in the area. It has been alleged that the woman was also gang-raped. A video of the incident showed the woman being attacked.
Deputy Commissioner of Police, Shahdara, R. Sathiyasundaram said that they have arrested four women in this connection. He said that a case of sexual assault and abuse has been registered with the concerned police station. "All possible help and counselling are being provided to the victim. We are taking the matter seriously. A team of elite officials have been formed to look into it, we will arrest all the accused soon," said the DCP.
A source privy to the investigation told the media that the victim has been living in the Shahdara area for the past few years. The woman is married and has a child. A man who used to live in her neighbourhood was in a one-sided affair with her. She had spurned his advances many times. A few days ago, the man had allegedly committed suicide. His family believed that he committed suicide because of the woman.