New Delhi: IT company Wipro on Friday posted a 4 per cent rise in consolidated profit at Rs 3,092.5 crore in the fourth quarter ended March 2022. The company had registered a profit of Rs 2,974.1 crore in the same period a year ago. "We have had an outstanding year, finishing with USD 10.4 billion in revenues, and an industry-leading growth of 27 per cent Year-on-Year (Y-o-Y). This is our sixth straight quarter of strong revenue growth at or over 3 per cent," Wipro Managing Director and CEO Thierry Delaporte said in a statement.
Wipro's consolidated revenue from operations during the reported quarter grew about 28 per cent to Rs 20,860 crore. In the year-ago period, the same stood at Rs 16,245.4 crore. For the year ended March 31, 2022, Wipro posted a 12.57 per cent increase in consolidated net profit at Rs 12,232.9 crore. It stood at Rs 10,866.2 crore in the same period a year ago. The company's annual revenue from operations jumped 28 per cent to Rs 79,747.5 crore in the last fiscal from Rs 62,234.4 crore in 2020-21.