Hyderabad(Telangana):Wipro Consumer Care and Lighting on Tuesday opened its new factory at Maheshwaram in Telangana with an investment of Rs 300 crores. The facility was launched by Telangana Industries Minister KT Rama Rao and Founder Chairman of Wipro Group Azim Premji.
Minister KT Rama Rao said, "Our policy is called TS-iPASS 'Telangana State Industrial Project Approval and Self- Certification System'. The companies need no clearance from the local Municipality or the gram panchayat or the state. The company can self-identify itself and start its construction works. Only an application from the TS-iPASS portal for self-regulatory purposes. It will only take 15 days to completion of the process. If the process is not completed within 15 days then on the 16th day it's deemed approved by the state. No other state in India has this facility."
Founder Chairman of Wipro Group Azim Premji said, "we are working extensively in our field in our foundation. People who have taken loans from sharks are now finding it difficult to repay. I will strongly recommend the state government work with the public and private sector banks and please do not understand how hard it is for these poor people. Telangana has done a great job in managing covid than any other state. Also, it has transformed the pandemic into a less severe one. We will continue to invest and will try to create more employment in the state and create opportunity for women in the state."