Chandigarh: Giving a clarion call to wipe out the AAP and the SAD from the electoral scene in the ensuing Assembly polls, Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi on Saturday said it is now crystal clear that Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Amarinder Singh and Badals are hand in glove to barter away the interests of the state, be it agriculture, industry or common man's cause.
Addressing a public rally in Barnala town, Channi asked the people to identify these 'dubious' politicians who are hell bent upon to exploit them emotionally to the hilt.
Chiding AAP convener Arvind Kejriwal for making tall claims to provide financial assistance of Rs 1,000 per month to every woman above 18 years in the state, if voted to power, Channi dared Kejriwal to come out with facts and figures to how many women he has extended this relief in Delhi.
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Likewise, he said people of Punjab are wise enough and they won't be betrayed this time by his false promises as he and his party has been fully exposed on count of non-performance which is evident from the fact that 11 out of 20 AAP MLAs had already shifted their loyalty to other political parties.
Channi also said now NRIs have also realised that it is a party with hollow claims which is remotely concerned with the core issues of state.