New Delhi: Amid the rife speculations of the third wave hitting the nation considering the recent surge in the cases, Jibesh Kumar - Minister of Labour Resources Department of Bihar - has said that the Bihar government will facilitate employment for the migrant labourers who might return to Bihar due to lockdown.
He further affirmed that all the labourers will be provided with jobs based on their skills and that officers in the department have already been alerted and advised to keep a roadmap ready in case such a situation arises. He further clarified that around 16,000 migrant labours who returned to Bihar during the last lockdown have been employed according to their skills under the Mukhyamantri Udyami Yojana. These people are further expected to create employment for 1.5 lakh more migrant labourers like themselves.
Giving more clarity on the tentative plan, he said that clusters of these workers will be formed district-wise to deploy them for the services suitable to their skills. They will also be given a loan of Rs. 10 lakh to set up the industry, wherein 5 lakh rupees will be granted in bulk, whereas the remaining 5 lakh will be deposited in 84 instalments. He further affirmed that the labourers who will return to Bihar in the immediate future, will be offered 100 days of work under the MNREGA scheme.