Bhopal: Amid a huge outrage over a controversial poster of filmmaker Leena Manimekalai's documentary 'Kaali', Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Narottam Mishra on Tuesday said he will direct the police to register an FIR in this matter. A massive row has erupted after the Madurai-born filmmaker based in Toronto in Canada shared a poster of 'Kaali' on Twitter on Saturday allegedly depicting the goddess disrespectfully.
The poster showed the goddess smoking and holding an LGBTQ flag. Mishra also said that banning the documentary in MP will also be considered. "It is quite objectionable to show our Kali Mata smoking a cigarette in the documentary film 'Kaali'. I will direct the police to file an FIR in this matter. The banning of the film in Madhya Pradesh will also be considered, Mishra told reporters.