New Delhi: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday remained ambivalent on being the face of the Opposition to take on the BJP, saying it will depend on the situation. "I want to help all the opposition parties to bell the cat. I don't want to be a leader, but a simple cadre," she said on the leadership issue.
"I am not a political astrologer. It depends on the situation, structure. I have no problem if someone else leads. When the matter is discussed we can decide. I cannot impose," Banerjee told a select group of reporters here when asked if she would be the face of the Opposition to take.
On the Pegasus row, she said the situation was more serious than Emergency and accused the Centre of being unresponsive. "Everywhere they are sending ED, IT for raids. Here there is no response. In a democracy, the government has to respond.
Read:Pegasus spyware row: Maha Cong chief wants MVA govt to set up probe commission like WB